Through the lens of a munching, meat loving (up-for-any-challenge farm-girl or #girlboss if you want ;)).

Now, let’s get down to the deets: If you were to say that I would not eat physical food, not even an apple, for three whole days, I would say no way, not a chance! For those lovely ladies, who know me well, along with my eating habits would never say that I would be able to stick out for three (whole) days not putting anything in my mouth. Besides food – coffee?! Anyone feel my pain? Coffee is at the core of my little existence. Waking up with a cuppa – you feel me? So, three days, no munching, no coffee. Hmmm OK.
Anyywayyys, so as I was planning our #MOVEPRETTYtravels shop activation, and knowing of Juice Revolution a long, LONG time ago, curiosity got the better of me. I thought, why not try this detox, cleanse thing out. How bad can it be, you know? Did I mention I was diagnosed with a light form of arthritis that attacted both my ankle joints and right eye? Cause? Stress. Stress is a bully, but that is a whole different topic ladies. You only realize how precious and priceless health is until it’s compromised or gone. Both my orthopedic and ophthalmologist suggested a cleanse of some sort. So here we are – opportunity presented itself. 3 days, no eating, no coffee, only juice.
Starting out with my three days I was determined, excited and ready to go. I did a little prep beforehand, which you will read about a bit later.
Just giving you the low-down of how this worked:
7 am: You wake up, have a little “kickstarter” which is hot water with freshly squeezed lemon (I used lemon juice, as I had no fresh lemons on hand)
8 am: You drink your first cup of detox tea (first time it was funny tasting, after that, you actually grow fond of this little cup of tea).
9 am: You have your first juice
11 am: Your second juice for the day
1: pm: Your third.
3 pm: Your fourth
5 pm: You have your soup (chewy bit still liquid – thank heavens and life saver in Winter. Trust me.)
7 pm: You delight in your choc mylk – might just be the highlight of the day. Who’s with me?
9 pm: You enjoy your last detox tea for the day
10 pm: bed.
Someone in between al the juicy goodness, you have your packet of supplements.

Day 1: Let’s do this.
I would say this is an easier day, maybe even the easiest, since you’re actually still quite full after the weekend festivities and eating your mother’s Sunday lunch (which make you feel full for the rest of the week, right?!).
My first and second juice went down well, as it is really tasty (to my surprise), but at 1 pm, the first “real” hunger pains kicked in – as it was lunch at The Woodmill, and there are smells hovering in the office, that is literally to die for. It was raining and pouring outside – so I got myself thinking “why juice, when I can juice hot chocolate”. My colleagues were cozying up to a warm cup of tea and there I was, sipping on freezos.
Well, let me tell you, I quickly got over myself when I tasted my next juice; Star Dust. Don’t you like the name? Start dust for anyone?! And it’s pink. For those of you who knows me well know that pink is what all my dreams are made of. Accompanied with my Start Dust I had a cup of boiling water, just to settle the cold.
My fourth juice came and go, and it was really YUMMY. 5 pm hit, and it was time for my soup. Yay for soup, and yay for something to chew on. Well almost.
If I can be really honest here. When the soup is in the container, it really looks sad, and tasteless, but man oh man, to my surprise (yet again) the butternut, squash and carrot soup was tasty, had texture and more than enough to fill you up. It also came as a blessing in disguise, since it was still freezing outside.
Now let’s get to the good stuff: someone said choc nut mylk? Yup, desert in a bottle. Now this lady, right here, got a sweet tooth of note, so anything that just sounds like sugar, holler at me. I had the Choc Nut Mylk at 7pm each night. This actually served as another serving of food, since it’s consistency is nutty and warm, and fills you up perfectly.
9PM; time for the last cup of tea for the evening. I always have a cup of tea before bed, so this fitted in perfectly with my daily routine.

Day 2: Fresh and READY.
Ever woke up feeling FRESH and ready? Yup, that was what Tuesday was all about. Tuesday was shoot day, and I knew I would be on the road all day, and running around matching outfits, changing looks and directing like a #girlboss (as I believe all prettymovers are). I needed stamina and extra energy. Slightly worried that I might be low on energy towards the end of the day, I doubted if these juices would cut it.
To my surprise, the juices were the answer. Those of you that have ever directed a shoot, know there is not even time for an apple – the answer is as simple as this, lovelies: juice revolution.
I think now is the perfect time to make special reference to the fact that these juices are really quick and easy. It fits in a regular lunch box, containing all your servings for the day, keeps it cool, and on hand. It is as easy as 1,2,3.
Exhausted after a full day of shooting and a slight headache (probably the caffeine withdrawals) I headed to bed, feeling light, debloated and simply wonderful. I even wanted to go for a quick jog – but just had no time, and it was dark outside, OK?!

Day 3: Life changing.
So, let’s get down to the juicy bits (pun intended ;) – now these will change your life. As you will see in my pictures, you will see how EASY PEASY these are to use in your daily routine – meetings in the city? Sleeping in late? Meal prepping – Juice Revolution got your back girl.
Dress it up (with a cute glass and a little eucalyptus leaf) or dress it down and keep it in the bottle. Straight up, no fuss.
On day three, I was working at our shop at The Eikestad mall, so with extended trading hours, all you need is your little lunch bag and a microwave for your soup after 5pm. With no time to take long lunch breaks, these bottles of juicy goodness came in perfectly handy to have the juice on-the-go with no need to lock the door and go to the back for lunch.
What did I do with the soup? Pour it in a mug, then microwave = perfection. Your customers will think you’re having a cuppa. No problem with that right?!
So, after a long day at the shop, I got home finding my flat mate who was making the most amazing lamb shanks to celebrate my 3-day cleanse.
Oops, no no, I wasn’t finished yet. I still had one nut mylk and detox tea to go. Strangely enough, I wasn’t even craving the real food. Unlike me, but anyway.
With some time to spare, I put on my trainers, to go for a brisk run and voila – you would not believe it – no pain!! No pain whatsoever in my ankles. For the first time in 11 weeks, maybe 13, (who’s counting anyway), I could actually train with no pain. Now for those of you who train, know how important these endorphins are. Now imagine having this groggy pain in your ankles for as long as 13 weeks, and then for the first time, preparing yourself for an uncomfortable run, you go out for a run, only to feel none. I felt not an ounce of pain. Nothing, zilch, nada. Can this even be true? I literally struggled for 13 weeks. 2 physios, an orthopedic, two different ophthalmologists and just dead straight tired of everyone’s opinion. For the first time in forever, I was able to just run. Run without any pain, or joint grogginess.
Ok, well for me that was pretty significant alright?! I will go as far as to give all credits to my friends over at Juice Revolution – especially Fiona. Fiona, I could kiss you right now.
After the three days, you’re supposed to ease back into your munching routine, so I settled for eggs, mushroom and tomatoes for breakfast. Yum? Check! For a snack, I had an apple. Know what they say; an apple a day keeps the doctor away?! Then for late lunch I had a smoothie. So strange. Giving my body food, surely needs to sustain it, right? But at 5pm I caught myself super low on energy and shaky, even dizzy – so I ran (nope, walked) to Kauai got myself another smoothie and immediately felt better. Strange though. This got me thinking and yet again praising our juicy friends, for developing such an amazing product with all the goodness to keep all your sugar levels stable whilst only consuming liquids. I mean, I was latterly running around for three days, and managed to work in a jog – without once feeling dizzy or low on sugar.

So, let’s talk juice, baby.
Of utter importance (and in my humble opinion) is preparing yourself for the cleanse beforehand, mentally and physically. Get yourself in the right space of mind to actually push through all three days. You are going to be putting your body through a challenge. The weekend before I started my cleanse I made a point to have one cup of coffee for the day, whereas I would normally drink 3. I capped myself at two glasses of wine. I don’t know about you, but weekends are for wine and dine, right? So, this was difficult, but definitely worth it. I limited my protein intake. Easy peasy? Nope – on weekends I take the liberty to eat whatever my body feels like and that usually involve a lot of meats. Chicken, beef, steak, and lamb. Oh, I LOVE lamb. Also, sushi Sundays. That’s a thing in our apartment. Every Sunday is sushi Sunday. So, for me to decline on the offer, was hard, OK? But totally worth it.

Let’s wrap it up!
Perks of juice revolution:
- Healthy as hell. Did I mention there are no signs of my arthritis left?
- Uber convenient (pun intended) Literally ready to roll when you are. Pack your little lunch bag with all your juices for the day. No meal planning, ready to go with the twist of a cap.
- T A S T Y !!! You know when you prepare yourself for those gross, weird tasting juice, and you take a sip, and there are ballerinas dancing in your mouth? Yup, that’s Juice Revolution for you.
- Sharing is caring. Makes for a great topic of conversation at the dinner table.
- You don’t have to do the 3-day cleanse, but even just stock the soup and a few bottles in your fridge for when you’re on the run, have no time to meal prep. Meal-in-a-bottle.
- Challenge your training bestie to do a 3-day detox with you. You’ll come out on the other side, refreshed and mentally stronger than ever. Proud? Understatement, darlings!
for more info:
call: +27 82 562 4525
written by carle Latsky, MOVEPRETTY studio manager.
*disclaimer: I was in no means paid to write this post. This is literally just me, jotting down my thoughts, and honest ones that is.
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